During my four years at Auburn, I have had several opportunities to gain inte
rnational experience by studying and volunteering abroad. I studied abroad in what I think are two pivotal moments of my college career: once during the summer after my freshman year and once during the first semester of my senior year. I also participated in Auburn’s Alternative Student Breaks program and helped out with community development efforts in San Jose and La Fortuna, Costa Rica.
After each abroad adventure, I came home with so much more than just pictures and stamps on my passport. I grew tremendously with each trip by overcoming daily challenges of abroad life, learning lessons about myself when breaking out of my comfort zone, and teaching myself how to live in a brand new environment. I have made life-long friends and connections all over the world, and I have discovered hidden beauties in each city I’ve visited.
During the summer program, I traveled with Auburn students to Rome and Florence, Italy, Paris, France and lastly to London, England. It was a six-week program and our time was divided between cities, which only gave me a taste of each location and its lifestyle. When I had the opportunity to go abroad for a full semester, I knew I ha
d to go back to London.
My semester spent in London was a totally different experience than my first study abroad adventure. I left home without knowing anyone else on my program and hoping for the best. I sat on the plane from Atlanta to London Heathrow anticipating all the adventures to be had in the next four months. I never thought that I would end up feeling more at home in London than anywhere else I’ve ever lived.
Traveling abroad is an invaluable experience. Each trip that I took opened my eyes to another part of the world and another way of life. I have taken little bits from each of my adventures and each of those moments or memories are now little bits of me. I’ve discovered that my favorite thing about traveling is that no matter where in the world I go there will always be something wonderfully new and beautiful to be found.
— Emily Landers