Serena in Spain

Auburn student pictured abroad in bee keeper suit in Spain

Serena Ussery: Semester Program in Alcala de Henares, Spain 2019 “bee bop boop,” says the robot that I knew as Mr. Crumb Eater. The flat, automatic vacuum needed no help entering my room to pick up my leftover chips. My large paned window is open. Cracked rather, and I can hear my clothes doing whatever…

Czeching out Prague

Auburn student pictured abroad in Prague

Harrison Svrcek: IFSA-Butler Reimagining Europe in Prague, Czech Republic Spring 2019 Whenever I asked for advice about College and things people wish they knew at my age, people always said one of two things: that studying abroad was one of the best experiences of their life or they wished they had studied abroad. So I…

Amid Madrid

Auburn student pictured abroad overlooking a houses on a cliff

Mary Grace Grigson: Alcalá de Henares, Spain Spring 2019 I have loved the Spanish language ever since I was in elementary school. From kindergarten to second grade I attended a bilingual school, where half of my day was in English and the other half in Spanish. I believe this is where my love for Spanish…