Ally McElwee: AU Human Sciences- Spring Program in Ariccia, Italy, Spring 2022
This past October I received an email saying that the infamous Joseph S. Bruno Program in Ariccia, Italy had opening spots. I had this idea in my head of another study abroad program I wanted to do, but I was unsure at the time if it would be going on schedule. I couldn’t run the risk of not getting my credit, so through lots of tears I signed up for one of the slots. Most students had signed up for this program at Camp War Eagle, so it was weird to me that I had not been preparing for the last three years to leave this semester. I am a planner at heart, so it was extremely difficult for me to wrap my head around doing something so big and not have been intending to take that path. The time came when I would be leaving for Italy and I was not doing well. I didn’t know anyone attending, I was missing Auburn basketball and spring semester in Auburn. Flash forward 8 weeks, and I am so grateful that I was pushed to be here. I have made friends that I never would have talked to back in Auburn, and we have gotten to make memories that not everyone gets the chance to make. It has been my most impactful semester and as always, I see how much a study abroad program can teach you about yourself. I am so sad my time here is coming to an end, but I know I am leaving with 15 new friends to reminisce with back home.