Rylin McArthur: AU Business — Fast Track Business Major Core Program in Rome, Italy and Madrid, Spain, Summer 2022
While studying abroad in Madrid, my friends and I decided to visit Barcelona during one of our free travel weekends. I had heard mixed reviews about Barcelona, but I was extremely excited to experience the city myself and form my own opinion of it.
After class ended on Friday, we immediately ventured off to the train station to depart for Barcelona. As soon as we arrived in Barcelona, we found our Airbnb, organized our things, and started getting ready for the night. For dinner, we decided to go to a seafood restaurant close to where we were staying. After we finished our delicious meal, we decided to walk around and explore. The streets and buildings were beautiful, and actually reminded me a lot of Rome. The city itself was also very lively with lots of people playing music and dancing.

The next day, we decided to do more sight-seeing. We all agreed to visit one of the most popular churches in Barcelona, the La Sagrada Familia. After getting brunch, the gang all walked over to the church. Upon arrival, I was in awe of how big the church actually was. The inside of it was a whole different story. The architecture within the church was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and we were all in awe. The sun shining through the stained glass windows was also very beautiful to experience. After walking around the church and reading the history involved with it, we left and explored the city some more.

On our last day there, we tried to squeeze in as much sight-seeing as we possibly could before hopping on the train back to Madrid. Barcelona was by far my favorite place to visit in Spain and I hope to go back to experience the things we didn’t have time to see while we were there.