As my time at Auburn and subsequently Auburn Abroad comes to an end, I wanted to write about the value of studying abroad. I have been incredibly fortunate to study abroad three times while in college and the lessons I have learned and the growth I’ve experienced.
My first experience was with a non-Auburn program to Rome, Italy for five weeks. This experience taught me that I wanted to continue my passion for travel and that I truly could thrive on my own in different environments.

My second study abroad experience was in Italy for an entire semester. I was reluctant to attend this program which taught me how to get through difficult times while abroad because life is still life even in a beautiful country like Italy.

My third experience was in Nepal for the entirety of the summer. I was ecstatic to go on this program and see such a vastly different culture from my own. This whole journey I learned to lean on the small group of people I was with to have tough conversations.

These experiences have been more important to me than anything I could have ever imagined. Travel has been instilled in me for the rest of my life, and I am so grateful for Auburn Abroad!