Challenge Your Limits

Auburn student holding Auburn flag on mountain side

Studying abroad – for me I saw it as an opportunity to live my life in a completely new way, a test, and a chance to develop a new perspective on the world. It had the potential to be an unparalleled experience, but there were so many questions to tackle first. Where would I go?…

I Paid for a Program and Got Change Back

close up of notebook with travel notes, drawings and pictures

For my study abroad program, we were required to keep a thesis journal. This journal included a multitude of things including recipes, reflections, responses and impressions, facts, pictures, schedules, and MUCH more. Even though it was a required assignment, I began to appreciate how it let me document every aspect of my program. Following is…

London Learning

Auburn students gathered in front of Big Ben in London

“It only ends once. Anything before that is just progress” It was not until the fifth day that I woke in my flat and I truly understood what I had gotten myself into. During the spring semester of 2013 I had the opportunity to study and intern abroad in London, England. During the entire pre-departure…

A European Cultural History Tour

Auburn students pictured with city skyline and mountains in background

As a child, I lived in Bristol, England for two years. These foggy memories of my childhood’s past were the only glimpses of a life outside of the one that I knew within the United States. As I arrived at Auburn University, everything seemed all too familiar. My entire family had attended the university, which…

Traveling in Taormina

Auburn students pictured Taormina bay

The four weeks I spent in Taormina, Italy were undoubtedly some of the absolute best of my life. Studying in the beachfront town on the gorgeous, culturally rich island of Sicily was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the time I spent there passed entirely too quickly. Adapting to the laid-back Sicilian lifestyle was…

Abroad in Ariccia

Auburn students pictured abroad

When I envisioned my time in college I thought about football games and all-nighters but the words study abroad never came to mind.  However, that all changed my sophomore year when I learned about the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program through the College of Human Sciences.  Suddenly the idea of Italian food…